One of our most frequently asked questions after booking our bump to baby package is: How to prepare for a maternity session? The Bump to Baby package is one of the most popular products at Charlotte Elizabeth Photography. Included in this package is a maternity session, a newborn session and two 10×8 photographic prints.
The maternity, or ‘bump’ session is all about you and your growing family.
Who to bring
We’re often asked if other family members can be included in the maternity session. They absolutely can. Whether it’s your partner, existing children or pets, we’re happy to include everyone. This session is about your whole family, so including existing members makes sense.
If you’d prefer to focus on you and bump, that’s absolutely fine. We’ve photographed plenty of women who have the session for themselves, and met a lot of camera-shy partners too.
What to wear
The biggest concern most people have when attending a photography session is what to wear. Our main piece of advice is this: Be Comfortable & Be Yourself.
This is even more important for a maternity session. Carrying bump can be uncomfortable at times, without adding uncomfortable clothes choices too.
We do advise bringing a change of clothes in a different style if possible, and try to avoid patterns as they can distract from bump.
Underwear Photographs
If you’d like to include underwear or nude photographs as part of your session, that’s not a problem. Underwear shots are an amazing way to show off your bump in all its glory. There is no distraction of colours or fabric, and we can focus on your skin tone and shape.
When it comes to your underwear shots we recommend having lain, matching underwear that contrasts with your skin. Black or white is the most common choice. We also suggest bringing a long shirt in a soft fabric. This can be worn open and can help highlight your bump even more.
If your partner would like to join in these shots we’re more than happy to include them. Just make sure you’re in the same colour underwear.
While we love these photographs we understand they’re not for everyone. We’re happy to conduct your full session fully covered.
Other Items
There are a few shots in our portfolio that require other items. We love capturing photographs with your scan pictures, and anything that’s been knitted for baby.
Other things that work well are a special cuddly toy, a favourite book or shoes and a hat that they’ll wear when they’re born.
If you’d like more information on our Bump to Baby packages, or if you have any questions on how to prepare for a maternity session, take a look at our packages or get in touch here.