Nobody wants the rain to fall on their wedding day. Even if the weather isn’t fantastic, we still pray that it doesn’t rain. But, the reality is we’re in the UK. The rain can come at any moment, any season, and any day. Here are our tips on what to do on a rainy wedding day.
Use Your Venue
On a rainy wedding day your venue is your best friend. Maybe you chose it for the outdoor spaces. Maybe it’s a tipi in a wood. No matter what type of venue you’ve chosen, it can work in the rain. Stately homes have grand rooms that you and your guests can use, and you’ll often notice details in the corridors and stairways that you would have otherwise missed.
If you’re in an outdoor venue, just make sure there’s a backup plan. Most outdoor venues have heating, lighting and waterproof flooring available if it’s needed for your day. Whether you’re having a cosy tipi with a fire pit, or a bright open marquee where you can see the rain falling, there’ll be lots of opportunities for photographs and laughter.
Embrace It
If you wake up on your wedding morning to the pitter patter of rain drops, you have two options. You can either let it take over your day by getting upset, or you can embrace it. This is the happiest day of your life, surrounded by your family and friends. No amount of rain can change that.
Take a few minutes during the morning to feel sad, frustrated, anything you need to, but then put it to one side and enjoy your day.
Talk To Your Photographer
Wedding photographs are a huge part of the memories of your day, so talk to your photographer about a rainy day plan. Use your pre-wedding session to look at some of the indoor spaces available for group photographs and couples portraits. Talk to them about heading out into the rain and how that would work into your day. We can guarantee that your photographer will have photographed at a rainy wedding before, and they’ll have a plan.
It’s Lucky
It might not feel lucky at the time, but rain on your wedding day is meant to symbolise a happy future. It represents fertility, cleansing, unity and the last tears you’ll shed for the rest of your life. We’re not sure where this theory comes from, but we’ll take it!
It Helps Hay Fever
If your wedding is taking place at the height of hay fever season your guests might even welcome a little rain on your wedding day. The symptoms of hay fever can be lessened during and after rain which means less itchy eyes, puffy faces and runny noses and more opportunity to enjoy the day.
Be Comfortable
Like we said at the start, we’re in the UK. Having an umbrella somewhere on your wedding day is always a good idea (we keep two huge ones in our car at all times). Asking one of your relatives to have an extra shrug or pashmina in their transport can help to keep bridesmaids and flower girls warm, especially if they have sleeveless dresses.
It Will Stop
Think about it. When was the last time that it rained all day, without a break? We’ve photographed plenty of rainy wedding days, but the only way you’d know is to look for the puddles on the ground. In fact, all the photographs in this article are from rainy wedding days. There will be an opportunity to enjoy the grounds of your venue, even if it’s only for a few minutes.
If you’d like to see more of our real wedding posts, take a look at the Real Weddings section of the blog.