We’ve been thinking about proposals recently, and whether they’re all as romantic as the rom-coms would lead us to believe. So, we asked some real couples how their proposal happened. There were some romantic moments, dance floor antics and lots of tears. Read on for the full real proposal stories.
James & Selina
We got engaged whilst on holiday in Santorini – James asked a couple watching the sunset next to us to take our photo, but he’d put the phone on video instead and got down on one knee!
Charlotte & Nic
I knew it was coming at some point between the next week – year, but didn’t expect it at that exact moment! We were on a skiing holiday in Tignes, and it was the evening it was really, really snowing. It was golden and glowy and beautiful. We’d just had a nice meal out and gone back to the apartment. Nic took me onto the balcony in the snow and got on one knee! I cried, and obviously said yes!
Alexandra & Jonathan
Jonathan and I were on holiday with his family in Kielder. On the first day, we’d got there and were just getting changed when he got really antsy about me folding his shorts. He took them from me, and said there was a present for me in there.
I asked for my present an awful lot over the next few days, and on the Thursday we were cycling round the lake while (once again) I was asking when I’d get my present – if there even was a present – and he got down on one knee! Naturally I wept and asked him if he was sure(!) before saying yes.
Charlotte & Charlie
We had a holiday away after Christmas to Bude Devon. We were with Jessica (our daughter), and Charlie’s parents.
It was New Year’s Eve and Charlie’s Mum and Dad offered to have Jess for the evening while we went out. Charlie took me for a curry in Bude town, which was lovely as we had been there the year before while I was pregnant. Afterwards we walked down to the beach and up onto the hillside as midnight approached. We thought it would be nice to look out onto the ocean but be able to look back at the town when the fireworks wet off at midnight.
As we got to the top of the hill it was a crystal clear night, and you could see all the stars over the ocean. Charlie had let me walk ahead a little, and when we came to a stop he started saying how he couldn’t believe a year had passed since we were there last. He said how much of an amazing Mummy I was, and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes and burst out crying.
It was such a beautiful thought out night by Charlie, I love him to bits.
Nikki & Dayv
Our story is less romantic…more a story of persistence. After 4 months of me refusing him, Dayv drunkenly had one more attempt in a night club. I gave in and said yes! In my defense, we’re still together 20 years later!
Charlotte & Will
I’d been jokingly asking Will to marry me for years. It began one leap year, and progressed from there. I proposed everywhere, from parks to beaches and even Funny Girls! Then one Saturday during lock down he asked me to feed the fish with him. As we were sitting next to the pond, he pulled out the most beautiful ring and finally asked me. My response?
“Is that for me?!”
It was the perfect moment for both of us.
Eve & Todd
I LOVE taking photos (passed on from my dad who’s an avid photography enthusiast) so I’m always collecting pictures of loved ones. When I was in secondary school, I always use to make photo collage videos as a gift to my friends each year we were at school.
Many years later, I told my partner Todd about those videos I use to make. He already knew how much I loved taking photos anyway. Then he surprised me one Christmas morning, just over a year and a half after we’d met, by playing me a photo collage video of pictures of us together that he’d made as my Christmas present!
I was so happy from such a thoughtful gift and tears were shed, but then the music changed on the video and it went to a black screen with text saying Todd wanted to ask me a question but he needed the help of some other people to help me decide my answer….
A stream of pictures then appeared of our friends and family members holding posters saying “SAY YES!” I was so surprised, even when Todd then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!
It was such a personal and meaningful proposal; I couldn’t have imagined anything more perfect or magical so I knew, in that moment, he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
Sarah & Danny
My proposal was completely unexpected. I’m sure plenty of peoples say the same thing, but I was totally surprised. Two months before we had been talking about getting engaged, and agreed that we were happy as we were, no need to change anything. It was also nothing like I had expected, but in the best way possible.
He asked my Dad for permission, told our family and friends his plan, and I had absolutely no idea!
On Christmas Day 2014 he tied a ring around the family dog’s neck and told me he had a present for me. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him in front of my family. Of course I said yes! On reflection he said if he was to do it again he’d do it differently; just the two of us. But I am forever thankful that I had everyone around me that I loved, and my wonderful step mum caught it on camera. It was the happiest moment of my life, and it’s lovely to be able to look back on it, even if I did say “Are you serious?” and put the ring on myself!
Next we’re sharing some Marriage Tips From Real Couples.